Over the past 11 years, WFW contributing editor Andrew Jefford has been using his Twitter feed to publish a series of short poetic texts. Many of these works are inspired by—or have some connection to—the themes of wine and terroir.
Earlier this year, WFW asked Andrew to make a selection of these loosely wine-themed short texts. Here we feature the second of a series of Andrew’s selections, accompanied by an original illustration inspired by Andrew’s words by his artist brother, Michael Jefford.
Seven Short Texts II
Andrew Jefford
Leaf serves earth last, as once
it sweetened air, fed fruit,
built heartwood. And you?
Half are given
a box of seeds;
the rest a patch of earth
A million years of rain
on stone, a valley carved – and still
no meaning
The river’s banquet
set on cloths of rippled cloud:
a feast of sliding
No home — beyond
the webby midlight of our bank
One sniff and the truth
is out one sniff always
beyond deceiving one sniff
No one on the beach heard it whisper
that it had once been
a mountain